Middleton Primary Care Network (PCN) is a collaboration of GP surgeries across Middleton of which our practice is a member. Working in partnership to improve access to services across the township, the PCN now has a number of professionals to offer increased access to health care, these include:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Technicians
- Social Prescribing Link Workers
- Mental Health Nurse
- Psychologist
- Paramedic
- First Contact Physiotherapist
- Care Coordinators
- GP Assistants
- Digital Lead and a
- Clinical Director
PCN access has now been enhanced with the opening of the Middleton Hub on the first floor of Middleton Shopping Centre where a number of different services are delivered. The PCN Hub also provides health awareness days as well as the option of self referring for mental health, housing, financial and relationship problems. If you are passing the PCN Hub then pop in and find out about the different services delivered at this venue.
The NHS App
We would like to invite you to use The NHS App. This allows you to access a range of NHS services. Here is a video which explains how the NHS app works. At this surgery you can use the NHS app to:
- order repeat medication
- nominate a pharmacy
- view medical records
Click here to get started with the NHS app.
If you have any problems accessing the NHS app you can contact the support team.
If you have a question regarding proxy access, please follow this link.
Sometimes it can be helpful to know your own NHS number. The NHS Number Finder can help you learn your personal NHS number.
Contact Us Online
We have a new way in which you can contact us online for any routine enquries. We will aim to get back to you within 72 hours. You can use this system to:
- Request sick notes
- Request letters
- Submit a query about prescriptions
- Ask for advice about non urgent medical conditions
Click here to access the system.
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NHS Friends and Family